Please Call : 570-596-2020
3383 Rolling Hills Road
Ulster, PA 18850

Monday:      7am-5pm
Tue-Thurs:    7am-7pm
Friday:          7am-5pm
Closed:  Saturday and Sunday

BioPRYN Pregnancy Test


What is BioPRYN ?

BioPRYN (Pregnancy Ruminant Yes/No) is a pregnancy detection procedure for cattle, sheep, elk, goats, bison, and deer. It measures the presence of Pregnancy-Specific Protein B (PSPB) in the bloodstream. PSPB is protein produced by the placenta. BioPRYN begins with the collection of a blood sample from your cow. Then you ship the samples to Laurel Hill Veterinary Services where an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is performed. Reports are available within 27 hours of lab setup and may be downloaded directly into dairy management software. Using BioPRYN assures accuracy. When the dairy manager or veterinarian draws blood samples from the cows at the correct time (28 days) after breeding and 73 days after calving, the pregnancy question is known within 27 hours.

7 Easy Steps

  1. Make a list of all your eligible cows or heifers
  2. Download and print our BioPRYN Pregnancy form
  3. Assemble Vacutainer® tubes (red or gray and red topped), needle holders, and needles (1 inch, 18 or 20 gauge); availble from Laurel Hill Veterinary Service.
  4. How to Tail Bleed Cattle, Sample at least 2 cc of whole blood from the cow’s tail or jugular vein. NOTE: Avoid cross contamination by using new supplies for each animal.
  5. Label each tube using water-insoluble ink or pencil with the animal number and sample number.
  6. Package your samples and your BioPRYN Pregnancy form for delivery to Laurel Hill Veterinary Service, Inc. If you so desire (optional), submit a duplicate list by email or fax to Laurel Hill Veterinary Service, Inc.

Why BioPRYN ?

  • Precise pregnancy testing; no test is better
  • Convenient
  • Saves time from breeding to testing
  • Safe for the embryo, no loss due to touching
  • No concern in re-cycling, with hormones, cows that are classified as open
  • Pricing: 0-10 samples is $3.25 and 11 or more is $3.00 per sample (Sheep/goat BioPRYN testing are $6.50 per sample)

Still have BioPRYN Questions?

Give us a call TODAY at 570-596-2020 for more information on how we can help you with your Bovine blood pregnancy tests. Our friendly staff will gladly answer all your questions about BioPRYN pregnancy tests, Bovine pregnancy testing, and more. Or if you prefer, please feel free to email or fax us.

CAE Testing

Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis (CAE) is a retroviral infection of goats that may lead to chronic disease of the joints and on rare occasions (in goat kids less than six months of age) encephalitis (an infection in the brain). CAE is a widespread condition in goats across the world. The virus is directly connected to the production of white blood cells, so any body secretions which contain these cells are potential sources of infection for other members of the herd. Because there is no cure for CAE, it is best to avoid it altogether by use of proper herd testing and culling.


  • We use the cELISA test (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay). This test is generally recognized as the most reliable test available.
  • The test requires 0.5 ml to 1 ml of serum (2-3 ml of whole blood using a red top tube)
  • Samples do not need to be sent with an ice pack
  • Results can be e-mailed, faxed, and phoned
  • Can be run in conjunction with pregnancy testing
  • The cost is $7.00 per sample

BioPRYN Goat and Sheep Pregnancy Testing

BioPRYN is the proven leader in blood-based pregnancy testing with more than 30 years of research. It provides flexibility in scheduling pregnancy testing dates. It gives accurate results as early as 30 days post-breeding. The BioPRYN test identifies non-pregnant animals with 99% confidence and indentified pregnant animals with 95% confidence.


  • The test requires 0.5 ml to 1 ml of serum (2-3 ml of whole blood in a red top tube)
  • Samples do not need to be sent with an ice pack
  • Results can be e-mailed, faxed and phoned.
  • Can be run in conjunction with CAE testing
  • Cost is $6.50